You know that girl who makes a green smoothie when she gets home from yoga? I'm totally that girl. (Or I was, back when I wrote this post nearly a year agao, before the shoulder reconstruction, when I was still going to yoga. Upside is that I can nearly raise my arm over my head at this point in time so a return to yoga is looking more promising every day. Also, it's a good thing I looked at my draft posts or this may have been lost forever in the black hole of unpublished content, ahem. Ok, … [Read more...]
Pineapple & Kiwi Green Smoothie and Prep.Prop.Style.Shoot Snapshots from Breakfast
When a chef, one who runs a holiday property in the country none the less, emails to ask if you want to come down to Tasmania to teach a two-day food photography and styling workshop, the only possible answer is yes. When she mentions that she'll do all the cooking, talks about stringing fairy lights through the trees for dinner and sends you photos of a possible picnic location at the end of a pier you know it's meant to be. And so it was that I found myself, a mere month after that … [Read more...]
In My Kitchen: August 2015
It’s once again time for In My Kitchen and as per usual this is a collection of things from the past month — a small snippet of those seen over on Instagram — in loosely interpreted categories and no particular order… ------ Kitchen Shenanigans I decided one night a few weeks back that I needed to bake bread. I didn't measure, kneaded and rested randomly, and ended up with the best loaf I've made in years (wholewheat, whole spelt blend). Lunch the next day (where I took time out from … [Read more...]
Gluten Free Carrot Cake
Hum, it appears any hope of stringing words together in a cohesive sentence has once again left me. I'm blaming it on seemingly never ending days of prep > style > shoot > repeat, occasionally punctuated by sort > sort again > edit > send. Not that I'm complaining -- far from it -- but it seems that spending all day every day in front of a stove and a camera has turned my brain to mush for little other than faffing. In a stand against the mush I've decided it's … [Read more...]
Vegan Pineapple Pancakes & Spiced Rum Caramel Syrup
I'm really quite well behaved when dining in public. I know which bread plate and glasses are mine (bread on the left, wine and water on the right) and to keep my napkin on my lap until vacating the table at the end of the meal. I'm well versed in what cutlery to use for what course (start from the outside and move in, thank you very much Pretty Woman) and where to place said cutlery to indicate I've finished (handles at 5 o'clock, fork tongs up to the ceiling or down to the plate depending … [Read more...]
Ooey-Gooey Gluten-Free Brownies
I could have called these the best gluten free brownies, ever; or perhaps secret ingredient brownies; or maybe even compost brownies; but ooey-gooey was simply too good a description to pass up. SEO be damned. These brownies, of course, have a touch of mad-science inspiration driving them forward ... but first a bit of background. Remember when I won that juicer a few months ago? Well RJ and I have been taking full advantage of summer fruit and veggies for juicing, but each time we'd … [Read more...]
Rainbow Whole-Fruit Popsicles (Ice Pops)
Sitting on the concrete floor of my mother's friend's flowershop I sorted and searched through the little plastic pieces for the right colour. Pop, pop, pop the little pegs broke through black paper, twinkling as they released the light. I followed the Lite Brite patterns until I used them all up and started making up my own designs -- swirls and zig-zags and 5-year-old interpretations of trees -- from the little points of colour. And then a question, asked casually and without … [Read more...]