Here we are halfway through another month and it's time for me to share a bit of what is happening round these parts for Celia’s ‘In My Kitchen’ February linkup... In my kitchen this February: Remember how back in December I burnt out the motor on my food chopper trying to make nut butter? Well I finally pulled our old one out of a storage bin in the garage. I scored this beauty about a decade ago from St Vinnies for something like $20. At the time I was on a work-not-allowed visa, … [Read more...]
Rhubarb & Apple Spread. Or it is curd… or perhaps jam. No probably not jam, not really curd either…
One bunch of rhubarb well past its prime languished in my crisper. A few unsightly end of season apples picked up from the organic food store sat forlornly on the bench top. Cooking them down was the only option I could see. I haven't had much luck baking with rhubarb in the past. As a compote it works just fine but baked into anything it just never has any taste to me. Once I used it with with coconut and pear and produced a cake loaf that was so awful even toasting couldn't save … [Read more...]
In my kitchen: December 2012
Each month, Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial hosts a feature called 'In my kitchen'. After months of peeking in through the window at other people I figured it was time to share what's happening on my own yellow laminate benchtop! A few new discoveries and a few fun bits and pieces - here we go... In my kitchen this December is: Further proof of my purple vegetable obsession manifesting in the form of purple kale and purple carrots from Eveleigh Market. ...yellow bench-top covered … [Read more...]
Cran-Orange Whipped Porridge
This is...interesting, and I am not sure it came out exactly as intended, but it does have possibilities...maybe. There are a few things going on here...This is a post inspired by a link-up that was created by @libismorgan from Am I a Funny Girl? [she is someone I follow on Twitter], the link-up is inspired by Pinterest [If you don't know about Pinterest, you are probably better off because it is addictive], and the original recipe came from a fabulous blog I just came across recently … [Read more...]
Maybe next time Cornbread
We were at a cafe recently that had on the menu Cornbread Toast with Bananas and Syrup. I didn't get it [the poached eggs were calling my name much louder that day] but of course came home and decided I NEEDED to make a yeasted Cornbread loaf. I love regular cornbread, but I find that if made correctly it tends to manifest itself as crumbly moist chunks rather than a hardy crumb that can stand up to slicing from a loaf and even holding a sandwich. Because I can't just go the simple route I … [Read more...]