You know that girl who makes a green smoothie when she gets home from yoga? I'm totally that girl. (Or I was, back when I wrote this post nearly a year agao, before the shoulder reconstruction, when I was still going to yoga. Upside is that I can nearly raise my arm over my head at this point in time so a return to yoga is looking more promising every day. Also, it's a good thing I looked at my draft posts or this may have been lost forever in the black hole of unpublished content, ahem. Ok, … [Read more...]
Green Smoothie, Sweet Potato & Granola Bowl
Green Smoothie bowls are a regular visitor to my breakfast table (who am I kidding, there is no table in this equation, I eat breakfast standing up in the kitchen as I prep for shoots, or sitting at my desk while editing photos... but that's another story altogether). Not only do I quite enjoy them but they're a great way to get a huge quantity of veg into the start of the day -- and eating a green smoothie with a spoon instead of drinking it from a glass serves a dual purpose. If the … [Read more...]
Beetroot & Berry Smoothie Bowl
You can hear the detractors arc up as soon as a pretty photo crosses the screens of their phones, "smoothie bowls are so over-done, so trendy, only good for pretty Instagram pictures!". They it yell loudly and repeatedly (because they quite obviously have nothing better to do, or perhaps have been pushed over the edge by one too many failed avocado rose attempts), and fixate on to the next so-called trend. However I, brandishing a spoon like a sword, am here to stand up and say, "who cares, … [Read more...]
Vegan Chocolate Smoothie Bowl
One day in late June... J: I just want to run away from it all R: . . . R: *raises eyebrow* J: oh, with you of course R: so when should we leave? Sometimes, in lieu of an immediate departure from the daily grind, chocolate for breakfast is the only solution. No judgement if you make it again and call it dessert. … [Read more...]
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie Bowl
The pace of life since we got back from Japan has been hectic at best and, while I'm not complaining about days filled with shooting food for everyone else, I haven't made anything for this little corner of the internet since those Hot Cross Buns. But I figure a new As Seen on Instagram recipe is still a recipe, and one pulled together from a nearly empty fridge and a few freezer staples is a winner in my book. You see, for as brilliant as our trip was we still spent two weeks eating far … [Read more...]
Buttered Peas & Avocado on Toast
They were a spur of the moment purchase at the farmers' market. A bag of peas in the shell, sitting just next to the scale. The peas (along with some broccoli and cucumbers) went into a satchel -- and then subsequently sat in the fridge, looking at me every time I opened it to grab something else. It wasn't until I started shelling them a day or two later that I realised fresh peas need almost nothing else to make them special. A pea and feta smash was in consideration for a moment but … [Read more...]
Ombre Key Lime Popsicles
I once got an award at a work Christmas party for something along the lines of "why say something in three words when thirty will do", and while I can be prone to talking about pretty much anything to anyone, I think I managed to use up almost all my words the other day over on that Vegan Butter post. So I'll keep this short, sweet and seriously image heavy... Popsicles are infinitely easier to photograph in winter, especially when the temperature of your living room is hovering … [Read more...]