Sometimes I have all the words, other times I sit here without a single thing to say. I should probably claim it's simply because these seriously amazing dairy free and gluten free chocolate chip cookies render me speechless -- haha -- however they tend to inspire exclamations of joy rather than bouts of silence. I've had these cookies on rotation for months -- including making them en-masse for 30+ family members at our cousin-fest reunion back in July, and having even those relatives … [Read more...]
Nutty Blueberry Breakfast Pizza
My mother has taught me many things over the years but one that's been sticking in my head lately is the art of creative improvisation. It started back when I was much younger and a bout of overzealous colouring resulted in going outside the lines... then subsequently freaking the eff out because the picture was RUINED. Mom calmly explained that we could simply make a new line and all would be ok. I wasn't convinced at the time but the concept did eventually sink in. Not … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Granola
J: can you please write a post about pumpkin granola for me? R: granola, it's good J: yeah, need a bit more than that R: ... J: ... R: I don't really like granola J: I'm not talking to you anymore. The pumpkin obsession continues, this time in the form of granola -- because while I'm perfectly fine with eating pie for breakfast some people may feel granola is more appropriate. I'd call those people silly but to each their own. At this point I should probably try to draw a … [Read more...]
Kumquat Upside-down Tea Cake and a Virtual Morning Tea Party
Hi, thanks for popping over! Grab a cuppa and a seat, morning tea will be ready shortly. If you're located anywhere in Australia you'll know that Australia's Biggest Morning Tea is once again in full swing. And if you've been around here before you'll probably know that I've been a big supporter of the Cancer Council's annual fundraising campaign for quite a while. It's a cause pretty close to my heart. The event, held throughout May and June each year, puts Australia's morning tea … [Read more...]
Gluten Free Carrot Cake
Hum, it appears any hope of stringing words together in a cohesive sentence has once again left me. I'm blaming it on seemingly never ending days of prep > style > shoot > repeat, occasionally punctuated by sort > sort again > edit > send. Not that I'm complaining -- far from it -- but it seems that spending all day every day in front of a stove and a camera has turned my brain to mush for little other than faffing. In a stand against the mush I've decided it's … [Read more...]
Gluten Free Almond Pie Crust
You know I love to tease a bit and split up recipes... this is the perfect example. Purple Pie filling a few days ago, today the crust to put it in! I adore this crust. I discovered it ages ago over on Maria's site, made it that very evening and filled it with some form of spiced sweet potato custard, made it again for pumpkin tarts around Christmas and again for the first test of my Purple Carrot Pie a few months back! I was hesitant at first though, and couldn't quite understand how … [Read more...]