Sometimes we all need a mini-break. A chance to juggle one less ball for a change. To take a deep breath – or perhaps two. Even people who sit at home and eat bon-bons and go out to posh lunches and afternoon shopping dates may need to take a break sometimes, you know, for a spa day or some such equally relaxing activity – FYI, if you’re one of those people, call me, I’ll be happy to help you out.
Christina from The Hungry Australian is one of those crazy-busy, always-on-the-go people – aside from juggling a couple of kiddies she writes all over the place and posts new recipes on a near daily basis. Christina and I met at Eat.Drink.Blog back in November – the evening before the conference she had tweeted a pic of a soft-shell crab and green papaya salad from a Thai restaurant up in the Northern Suburbs of Sydney – so when we met in person that was of course the first thing I asked about! Since then we, along with 3 other Aussie food bloggers, started up the Sweet Adventures Blog Hop as well. I recently volunteered to do a guest post for her if she ever needed to take a deep breath.
I love Christina’s recipes with all their fresh-Asian and comforting-Australian flavours, so it was quite ironic that I had only just made up a batch of creamy, cheesy, entirely America-land inspired Mac-n-Cheese when she took me up on my offer. This stuff is about as polar opposite as it gets to Christina’s usual creations – perfect for a guest post – ha!
The other evening RJ was working late which saw me at home alone and in need of something for dinner. When a mad craving for Mac-n-Cheese popped into my head there was no avoiding it. I even went as far as going to two different grocery stories to find goats milk for the sauce – woman on a mission I tell you.
This recipe is what I came up with. It really didn’t take much longer than the fluro orange stuff from a box but believe me there is not a box or dusting of fluro powder in site. This is the real deal.
The full recipe for Surprising Stove-top Mac-n-Cheese is over at The Hungry Australian – click here to go and visit! Say ‘hi’ to Christina while you’re there, and then go get your cheesy-on.
Have never used goats milk for a sauce but I am sure it tastes delicious, I do love goats cheese! It is nice to know that good friends are always available. 🙂