…I have been, really, but most of my free time not in the office [ie the job that buys the groceries and plane tickets] has been spent finishing up the packaging art for @ThePantry [!!!!!!!!!!] and not cooking, or taking pictures or doing blog posts.
So instead here is some random stuff and stream of consciousness and what’s been happening updates, just because….
- It has been bloody cold here. The mornings hover around 8 degrees [mid-40s or so] but THERE IS NO INDOOR HEATING in most houses here. Our little gas radiator is working it’s heart out but this is ridiculous, and there are 2 1/2 months of winter left. grrrr. Twice a week yoga in a 32 degree room = bliss.
- Why do all opp shops smell the same? Different cities different countries, yet they all smell like the same, and not particularly identifiable [not quite grandma’s closet, not quite mothballs, not quite dust, just, well, opp shop], scent.
- The youngest cousin in my family graduated from high-school last weekend [makes me feel just a bit old], I give her 5 years before she is a famous photographer, girl has an incredible eye.
- I am officially an aunt – she looks exactly like my brother did as a newborn, and at over 9lbs, kind of skipped that newborn thing all together, can’t wait to meet her!
- I have joined Pinterest – it is yet another social media / cataloging site – So dangerous, I want to pin EVERYTHING. I don’t have much up yet as I fear that once I start clicking around I will get lost forever and never come up for air. The stuff on here is out of this world – how do people find these things??!!
- Finding kitchenware sites like this is very dangerous, probably best that international shipping is always prohibitive…
- And this one, OMG I want every single one of these in every colour [mom, I’m officially putting my claim on your antique pink one, note that somewhere, please]. She’s got a blog and a shop too…gorgeous.
- You know that ‘Barbra Streisand’ song? Hate it, with a passion, RJ loves it, it is a point of contention, that said, this is hysterical, just put in your own name – or anything else really.
- On a slightly more serious note, have you heard about the 15 year old girl in the UK who was trending on Twitter in the top 10 pretty much everywhere [#alicebucketlist]? In brief, has had cancer for a long time, started a blog with her bucket list that got picked up and went viral in about a second and a half. #2 on that list [has since been updated to #1, I kind of liked that the original #1 was to swim with sharks] is for everyone in the world to become an organ donor. If you decide to click through have some tissues and someone you can hug near by. Fly high Alison, I miss you.
And finally, a taste of what you missed on Twitter this week:
- @84thand3rd: perfect for those predisposed to drama – RT @mashable: give your tweets the movie-voiceover treatment – on.mash.to/lOPg8h
- @84thand3rd: when did Grey’s Anatomy turn into Glee? I’m so confused.
- @84thand3rd: everybody in america-land complaining about heat – would take it any day over Sydney in single digits w NO INDOOR HEAT #wearingglovestobed
- @84thand3rd: Can’t lie, travel for food – just found one to add to the list for the next NYC trip – @VictoryGardenNY – so excited to try it! [the site appears to be re-directing to their blog right now but 4 words – Goats Milk Ice Cream]
- @84thand3rd: Putting both the costume box and embarrassing parenting to the test…brilliant! http://waveatthebus.blogspot.com
And now – Friday night of a 3 day weekend – Happy Birthday Queenie, especially when it means having Monday off.
Thanks for the update…miss you…Mom