My mother has taught me many things over the years but one that's been sticking in my head lately is the art of creative improvisation. It started back when I was much younger and a bout of overzealous colouring resulted in going outside the lines... then subsequently freaking the eff out because the picture was RUINED. Mom calmly explained that we could simply make a new line and all would be ok. I wasn't convinced at the time but the concept did eventually sink in. Not … [Read more...]
Wholewheat Pear & Blueberry Muffins for Mother’s Day
A letter to my Mom on Mother's Day 2015. Hi Mommy! I miss you. You remember a few weeks back when we were in the midst of one of our usual slightly-random-but-filled-with-pretty-things conversations and you said "I've been feeling like you're really far away lately"? Well something caught in my throat because I'd been thinking the same thing only a day earlier, even though we talk all the time. Of course those calls are great but it's the telepathy across the world moments that make … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day | Gift Guide 2015
A little something special to say Happy Mother's Day to the special woman who raised you. Every mother deserves a little bit of pampering and this beautiful collection is firmly grounded -- or more appropriately drifting dreamily with its head in the clouds -- in relaxation and indulgence that will last well past the second Saturday in May. 1 Green Grass and Blue Wind Felted Slippers by JurgaZa Felt on Down That Little Lane | because comfortable slippers are the first step (slippers, step, … [Read more...]