...including another installment of 'this week in consumerism'. So a month or so ago NAB (one of the big 4 banks here) launched a campaign against the other 3 biggies. Obviously they aren't the only banks in Australia and some time last week I saw this: Nice one. Here are some other things I've come across lately - sharing because they either elicited a good belly laugh or a huah? reaction. Apparently you can now outsource breathing for your employees - oh good, I was worried … [Read more...]
This week in consumerism
Right, so I am back to watching daytime tv this week. It is not that I sit and watch it, per say, but there is something about the drone of voices and flashing lights that keeps me from going mental when I am working from home all day long. Free TV have been rolling out a plethora of 'new channels' lately, most of them just showing old shows from the 80's [humm, when new is not so new]. Now that is not too much of an issue for me as I have recently grown fond of 'The Rockford Files' and would … [Read more...]
You would think the Queen were here
More security than for the Prime Minister [obvs] more hype than for the President [you know the most powerful man in the world, yadda yadda]. On second thought, she probably has more $ than the Queen, and most definitely more influence! Oprah has taken over Sydney and is climbing the Harbour Bridge today - after accomplishing the required other [visit to Uluru/holding a Koala/Great Barrier Reef/etc] quintessential media activities. There is even a big red 'O' on the side of said Bridge. The … [Read more...]