A white Christmas. As hard as mother nature tried this year, all she could do was rain on Sydney, not a single snow flake in sight. Not particularly surprising – but it’s ok, because this time around I’ve taken it on myself to create my own white Christmas. Inspired by an image and a conversation seen on sesameellis’s Instagram recently I was determined to get a big’ol fake white tree this year.
But it was only days before Christmas once I made up my mind, and it was all just too hard, so I settled on finding one of our fake green table top trees and figured I’d put a white one on the list for next year. However Santa must have been looking out for us on Sunday afternoon as after a stop at Marrickville Markets to pick up some sour morello cherries [more on those another day] I spotted the Creative Vintage Centre.
RJ humoured my ‘I must go in there immediately, you know, just to look around…‘ and what would you know but there was a white Christmas Tree – albeit a flat one more suited to being attached to a fence than standing in a living room – but it was white! and as tall as me! and iridescent-sparkly! and there were two of them! And neither were for sale. Damn. But wait…
It went a little something like this…
CVC: oh, that one isn’t for sale
JJ: *crestfallen face*
CVC: I do have more in the back…
JJ: yes please, I’ve been wanting a white tree, we’ll take one!
CVC: um, I was wrong, they are green, and not trees
JJ: *very crestfallen face*
CVC: ok, you can have one of mine
JJ: are you sure? that would make my Christmas…
CVC: yes, and it’s pretty dusty so I’ll give you a discount
JJ: *looks around for Santa, sees RJ rolling eyes, ignores him and buys tree*
So we took it, dust and all, and hosed it down in the driveway once we got home. It’s propped against the wall and attached to a hook so it doesn’t fall over. And it is perfect.
We decorated it late on Christmas Eve somewhere in between icing dozens of cookies and baking yet another pie. This morning I added a new snowman ornament from mom, then we headed off to eat ourselves silly on prawns, homemade rolls and dessert. It will stay up well into January.
So with that, I send best wishes your way for a wonderfully festive holiday season – whether you celebrated weeks ago or are celebrating now – and a prosperous New Year! I’ll think of you when I’m eating leftover Pumpkin Pie and Gingerbread Cookies for breakfast tomorrow morning!
Merry Christmas JJ! That is a super cute Christmas tree!
What a beautiful tree! We’re in the midst of a blizzard and I think I’d rather have your white tree! Hope your Christmas was magical!!!
Hope you had a lovely Christmas, JJ! It’s not often you see a white Christmas tree but whenever I do, I fall in love because it’s just so beautiful. x
Well done JJ, now you will also have spare time next year when you dont have to look for a tree. That photo of the cherries is just beauiful. Happy Holidays
Great ornament collection. Your tree made me smile.