If you haven’t noticed there’s a bit of a theme happening here. January Loaded Oats for the New Year, February Peach Pie Porridge, March (well not quite March) Oat Bran, Almond, Ginger and Pear Porridge. Who needs 12 months of shirtless firemen when you can have 12 months of porridge… never mind, don’t answer that.
I had some pears left over from my toasted sandwich and this was the breakfast solution on a busy morning. Pears go brilliantly with almonds and ginger and both up the nutritional goodness even more. This time around, instead of rolled oats, oat bran got a run. Have you ever used oat bran? It cooks up a bit like semolina or polenta and reminds me of my childhood days eating Cream of Wheat.
As a side note, in addition to a ton of fiber and all the of cholesterol lowering benefits of regular oats, oat bran contains protein, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B, niacin, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and zinc. It is a fabulous stand-in for breadcrumbs as well.
But sometimes it’s just about breakfast.
Oat Bran, Almond, Ginger and Pear Porridge
1/4 c oat bran
2 Tbsp almond meal or finely chopped almonds
1 tsp ground ginger
1/2 c boiling water + more as required
1/2 pear, diced
Place dry ingredients in a bowl. Add 1/2 c boiling water, stir well and let sit for 2 minutes until absorbed.
Add additional water as necessary to achieve desired consistency – I tend to like my porridge quite thick, some like it creamier, go wild.
Stir through diced pear.
Serves 1
I love the sound of this recipe! Do you think it could be adopted to a gluten free grain – like quinoa, for example? I’m coeliac, and have been greatly missing rolled oats and porridge for many years. And I haven’t managed to get quinoa porridge to the same thick and creamy texture that oats give you.
Any suggestions and wisdom would be much appreciated. And if it involves a slow cooker so I can make it overnight – that would be magnificent!
Many thanks for your recipes and stories.
Hi Rachel – the pears, almonds and ginger would work well with quinoa but you are right, the texture won’t be the same. Humm, I’m planning on doing a quinoa one soon so will have a think about how to make it creamier!
I still ear Cream of Wheat at least once per week, usually with sea salt, pepper and butter or whatever substitute is in the refrig.