This conversation occurred the other day on the way to work:
RJ: oh, so yesterday I …akldj kdfa kadkjfjf ja sjlkh….
JJ: hold on, hold on, sorry, can you tell me that again, I wasn’t listening at all, I was thinking about bananas.
RJ: of course you were.
Lately, this spread is what I’ve been thinking about. This, I could eat with a spoon [humm…did eat with a spoon…may be eating with a spoon right now] but it is hypothetically meant to be spread on things.
Many years ago I came to Sydney for a study-abroad semester. There were 5 of us in the share house:
- the lacrosse playing, trust-fund spoiled to death, private school play-boy who went to 1, yes 1, class the entire semester and dated girls who did his laundry for him;
- the ‘i just got a dolphin tatoo cuz I, like, like dolphins’ girl who told the rest of us at one point that we ‘inspired her to go back to church’ and did not realise that her saying that only served to raise the level of our amusement enormously;
- the pot-head book-worm who would deny himself the dime bag until his papers were done each week and pined endlessly for one of the other girls on the program, we think he may have gotten her over the line at one point, no doubt the dime came in handy with that one;
- and then the girl I spent most of my time with – we were the ‘normal ones’, as deemed by ourselves, and spent far too many afternoons at the 2 for 1 Kuleto’s happy hour in Newtown…
It was a brilliant couple of months and all the classes transferred as pass/fail so all I had to do was get-by in between backpacking trips, done.
The point I am trying to get to with all that setup is that we had a $19 jaffle maker in the kitchen and after many a long night out it got regularly loaded up with sliced bananas, peanut butter and nutella. What was produced we equated to heaven sealed between bread, as long as you waited long enough for it to cool from molten lava to bearable. This spread is kind of like that sandwich – without risk of lava burns on the roof of your mouth.
But here is the thing, don’t tell ANYONE, but it’s….healthy – shhhhhh. Bananas = potassium, Almonds = protein, Cocoa powder = magnesium. [and I NEED another pair of black boots because, you know they are different in a number of ways to all the others I have…see, I’m really good at this game, try me] But that’s it. No sugar, no oil, no dairy, just deliciousness. And it takes all of about a minute and a half to make.
Eat at least some of this with a spoon. Spread the rest on toast, pancakes, ice cream, cake, cinnamon pita chips, breakfast, lunch, dinner, whatever.
Banana Split Spread
1 cup mashed Banana
1/4 cup Almond Spread
3 – 4 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
Full Method in Under 100 words:
Mash banana as smoothly or roughly as you desire. Stir through the almond butter and cocoa powder until well combined and chocolaty enough for your tastes. Place in a clean jar and store in fridge for up to 3 days [there is very little chance that it will stick around for that long].
- Use really ripe bananas, the sweeter they are the better
- Yes, you could use peanut butter instead of almond butter if you really wanted to
- I started with regular cocoa powder but ended up adding some dutch cocoa in a well to really boost the flavour and colour, both will work just fine I used the full 4 Tbsp [1/4 cup] but you may just require 3.
Ok…first I have to comment on this! (I’m coming in from your macadamia spread post). This looks bloody brilliant! I have all these ingredients in the fridge…time to get creative!