So we have been on this ‘started out as detox / became a way of eating every day / lost a stack of weight without really trying’ diet thing for over 6 months now…and although it hasn’t really done what it was supposed to do I am now really little [horizontally now too rather than just vertically] for the first time in my life and it has really just become a healthy way of life more than a diet but now it is winter…
…and all I want to do is bake and eat loaves and loaves of bread with huge slatherings of butter [I don’t even eat butter, I’ve never really eaten butter, WTF?] and the bread is not too bad for you without the butter [I’ll post a great whole wheat one as soon as I get a chance to make it again, damn day job really puts a kink in getting anything done lately and must finish @ThePantry packaging before baking bread…], but along with that I am dying for CAKE!, like our family secret recipe Chocolate Cake and this one [does anyone want this for a party anytime soon, I am definitely for hire on this provided I can come to the party and have a slice] and Cinnamon Rolls with butter and waaay too much sugar, and pie – mainly Pumpkin, but Apple Crumble would be great too and Lemon Meringue and Boston Cream (with custard, not cream) would be even better. And honestly just a massive Thanksgiving/Christmas feast would hit the spot, especially with homemade Egg Nog and a huge splash of bourbon, and maybe some Mac and Cheese and Sweet Potato Wedges from this place….
…Speaking of bourbon look at what I came across recently, and even better, these – CAKE! not only made with alcohol but centered solely around it, brilliant…
…and I have decided that Twitter is the second cousin of Crack. Can’t stop hitting that ‘x new tweets’ button and then I see something cool and click through and find another article to read, or a blog to follow, or a recipe to try, or an ad to watch, or a DIY project that has me on the hunt for a broken chair or a bird cage or a heart shaped camera filter, and then it starts all over again. Had lunch with the mother-in-law the other day, she asked if we ‘Twitter’ RJ rolled his eyes and pointed to me, she can’t say Twitter with out giggling, she was wearing jeans and white runners, RJ can’t get used to it [and can’t figure out how she knows about Twitter], I think it’s adorable and entirely appropriate for a 74 year old who is so busy that we have to book into her diary to see her…
…and speaking of blogs and food, the 2011 Best Food Blog Awards were released a week or so ago – really, do I really need to find any more amazing blogs to read, really? But of course I did, and from every new blog there is always another one to click through to and before you know it you are lost in the internets, AGAIN…and I keep getting accounts for ALL THESE social media sites just in case and the other day I had a friend follow me on one that I didn’t even remember that I signed up to many months ago, and really the 2 or 3 I use regularly are too much to keep up with already and we won’t even talk about the 527 unread emails in my inbox [but none on the first page so it’s all good, out of sight out of mind]…
…but back to the weather…the juxtaposition of the universe [upside down seasons] is one of the biggest things I have found difficulty with living in Sydney. Not only is my birthday in cold weather [not too big of a deal] and Christmas in warm weather [still will never really feel like Christmas without 2 feet of snow outside and all the cousins around a big warm table playing board games, but siting in the sun after Christmas lunch most definitely has it’s benefits], but around June [or end of May as the case may be since it is so bloody chilly right now] I tend to think that the holidays must be right around the corner and get enormously melancholy for family…and since we are Italian, family always meant food, so whether it is a ‘cold = food = family’ or ‘cold = family = food’ progression it doesn’t really matter because I just want to cook and eat…
…oh, and it has been a good 8 or 10 months since I have had a drink [not because of anything ‘meeting’ related but more due to aforementioned healthyness] and the cold is making me crave a HUGE glass of red and some sticky dessert wine and a really good Belgian beer – the blue one please – to go with all the other comfort food….
…but instead I just make myself a cup of Green Chai and eat a carrot stick or some almonds and then plan our next trip, which this time will include a BEACH and not just manic cities…
So did you follow that?… detox > winter > comfort food > CAKE! with alcohol > Twitter > mother-in-law > DIY > food blogs > seasonal confusion > family > wine > tea and carrots…got it?
If you are still here and have made it this far I feel like I should give you a prize [or a cold compress?], but as I am slightly convinced that no one other than my mother and a few scattered-around-the-globe friends actually read this, I’ll just send you an air kiss and get back to work…
we read your blog and wish we could taste all your creations, well I do, your brother can’t really eat anything these days (he decided he is allergic to dairy and soy)
Thanks lovely! Don’t worry, I’ve got a couple dairy free ones coming up soon – honestly surprised he can even drink water these days 😉
Yes, your mother reads it all!! Thanks for the ramblings. Mom