I know, I know, I don't post anything for weeks then here I am, BAM, with two posts in one day. However as it happened, I had this one all ready to go when I decided that I simply must do a post on brining -- including ratios if your turkey isn't the size of a small child -- before sharing the recipe for the turkey that was brined. Of course, as all things do these days, it took a bit longer than planned. And so we return to our regularly scheduled programming, joining the story a few … [Read more...]
How to Brine a Turkey – plus Brine Recipe Ratios for any size bird
If you've never brined a turkey before roasting now is the time to start. No, no, not next year, now -- or at the very least the next time you cook anything remotely turkey related. Because once you do you'll never go back, seriously. Ok, ok, how can I be so sure? Well only a few weeks ago I was you, well not really you, that would be impossible and a little awkward, but the non-brine-er part of you who is questioning my blatant confidence. You see for years I'd intended to try this … [Read more...]
Turkey Ragu
He always orders the house-made pappardelle, I always order the seafood pasta. We share the cabbage and walnut salad and spoon-battle over the last skerricks of dessert. The ragu on the pappardelle changes each time, and while variations of beef and lamb are on regular rotation, turkey has only appeared once at our regular date night haunt... The tacchino was ordered with a touch of hesitation, lunchmeat and overcooked Christmas roll far too vivid in his memory, but with one bite all bets … [Read more...]