Upon the conclusion of the TV hijacking from the first 2 of 3 different codes of ‘sports played by men, with a ball of nearly identical proportions’ that are on this weekend …
RJ: So tomorrow there are only two more games I want to watch.
JJ: … [crickets] …
I foresee more baking in the near future. I should be thankful he doesn’t watch America-land college ball. At least I’ll get a short break before ‘sports played by men with a bat for 1-5 days, sometimes ending in a tie’.
UPDATE: 3 games [there are 3 grades in the Grand Final after-all…] and one motorcycle race later it appears that the sweaty man TV is over. Me? crepes and apples, a sparkling clean stove top, a re-organised kitchen to enable better light for photos, a whole baked snapper for dinner, and fresh bread for the week. I may or may not have changed out of my pajamas [definitely didn’t]. It was light until 7pm thanks to a time change and tomorrow is a public holiday, you have no idea how happy that makes me!
I can just picture you padding around your kitchen in your pjs. Perfect weekend.