It’s been a while since I did a ‘Things and stuff and more things‘ wrap up round these parts. As a result some of this stuff has been floating round the interwebz for a while but hopefully you’ll enjoy!
- We’ve announced our June theme for the Sweet Adventures Blog Hop and it’s one of my most favourite of things – Pie! KC from Capers of the Kitchen Crusader is our hostess, head over to her post to find out more, I hope you can join us.I already know what I’m making, but what’s your favourite pie?
- 10 Salts to Know: The ladies at Food 52 have done a lovely summary of many common [and not so common] salts on the market currently. I’ve got Iodized Table Salt [only really used for soaking cuts and cleaning cutting boards these days] Pink South Australian Sea Salt Flakes [goes in most things], Fleur de Sel [for finishing], Kosher Salt [for baking], Smoked Salt [just because] and in the back of the cupboard some Rock Salt [for roasting].What kind of salt is your go-to for cooking?
- Adore Magazine: ‘Australia’s first online only home and lifestyle magazine available exclusively online‘ I came across this site the other day. Swoon. I could get lost for hours.
- Shay Aaron Mini Meals: When I was younger I used to make mini things from clay – everything from teapots to shoes. This guy takes it to another level – amazing!
- Hungover Owls: Quick insight – I think this is one of the funniest sites I’ve ever seen. It’s been around for ages and whenever I need a good laugh, one or two of these creatures works a treat!
Currently Testing:
- Overly excited by the success of my Macha Green Tea Cupcakes, I’ve been occasionally baking Steamed Chocolate Cupcakes – divine but not quite there. Darn, have to keep testing – nudge nudge wink wink.
Currently Reading:
- The magazine pile is growing and a brilliant new cookbook has shown up.
- Not to mention a long overdue giveaway in the works…Do you have any must-reads I should add to my list?
Thanks for stopping by and have a lovely weekend!
Good weekend to you, too.