And there it was again, a very happy "I wonder what would happen if... " accident. Somehow quinoa flour does that in my kitchen, first it was tortillas, then a chocolate crumble crust and now bread. But in the midst of making this at least once a week for the past three months I've neglected to share it with you. Shame on me. This is 'Emergency Bread' at its best. Less than 20 minutes start to finish and gluten free to boot. Crumbly, light, slice-able. The only thing I haven't yet … [Read more...]
Gluten Free Chocolate Quinoa Pie Crust
I claimed a while back that I don't like Pie Crust. Apparently I've been on a mission to change my own mind ever since. This brilliant creation has been percolating for quite some time - ever since I made the crunchy chocolatey wafers for my Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream Sandwiches as a matter of fact. You see, that Chocolate Wafer recipe was a massive make-over from an original butter/white flour/sugar laden one, and as such I experimented with spelt flour, quinoa flour and buckwheat to find … [Read more...]
Vegan Chocolate Wafers and Ice Cream Sandwiches
I gave you a little peek at these Chocolate Wafers in my Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream post on Monday... they are so totally worth the wait! When it came time a few weeks back to come up with my Death by Chocolate SABH idea I couldn't stop at just the ice cream - it screamed out for something more, but what? Years ago I made these choc wafers and they were perfect. And brilliantly memorable as evidenced by their firm place in my junk drawer of a memory. Crispy fresh wafers which soften … [Read more...]
Orange Amaranth Gluten-Free Cutout Cookies
Well, it took me much longer than in past years but I've finally gotten my bake-on for Christmas. Maybe it was the exhilaration of a lunchtime early-mark for the last day of work, maybe it was the sunshine - did you hear that? SUNSHINE and warmth and blue sky, thank goodness - maybe it was the realisation that it was only 2 days from Christmas and instead of 5 different kinds of cookies and 2 different pies and days of planning for a Christmas feast, I'd only made Cranberry Bars and … [Read more...]