…between giving into the urge of letting out bits of progress, and holding it back for an all out launch. 84th & 3rd @ThePantry is so close to hitting market [and being let loose on cake lovers everywhere], but I am trying to keep it contained for a decent release and not just one thing at a time. That said, a peek at what has been going on is of course allowed!
The little bits and pieces are just about sending me loopy and I have a bit of a going-in-circles feeling right now – the imminent threat of a job isn’t helping much either!…and while the lure of a paycheck and some brain exercise is promising…well, you know…
Last week was a big one for baking and getting a huge portion of Mixes finalised – this week is just about the same.
I got over my hesitation on conquering CS5 and am currently churning out print-ready artwork for the packaging – guess all those years of peering over Designers’ and Art Directors’ shoulders has paid off in absorption technical knowledge!
Still tempted to see if anyone out there want to make a trade and set some artwork for cake and cookies though…
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